The vehicle has fuses to protect against an electrical system overload. Fuses also protect power devices in the vehicle.
Replace a bad fuse with a new one of the identical size and rating.
If there is a problem on the road and a fuse needs to be replaced, there are some spare fuses and a fuse puller in the left instrument panel fuse block. The same amperage fuse can also be borrowed. Choose some feature of the vehicle that is not needed to use and replace it as soon as possible.
Headlamp Wiring
An electrical overload may cause the lamps to go on and off, or in some cases to remain off. Have the headlamp wiring checked right away if the lamps go on and off or remain off.
Windshield Wipers
If the wiper motor overheats due to heavy snow or ice, the windshield wipers will stop until the motor cools and will then restart.
Although the circuit is protected from electrical overload, overload due to heavy snow or ice may cause wiper linkage damage. Always clear ice and heavy snow from the windshield before using the windshield wipers.
If the overload is caused by an electrical problem and not snow or ice, be sure to get it fixed.
The indicator light, on the instrument panel near the windshield, indicates the status of the system.